Chapter News | 3/13/20

  AIA New York offices and the Center for Architecture will close, effective, Friday, March 13, at 5PM, for the next two weeks. We will reopen subject to an...

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Chapter News | 3/9/20
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Update as of 3/20/2020:   Dear Friends, We hope you are doing well and staying safe and healthy during this challenging time. As circumstances continue to...

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AIA National News, Chapter News | 3/4/20
Tablescape of AIA Fellowship medals.

The 2020 Jury of Fellows has named 116 American Institute of Architects members, including 18 members of AIA New York, to its prestigious College of Fellows, which...

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Chapter News | 2/19/20
The Pneuma by Ying Qi Chen and Ryan Somerville. Image: Ying Qi Chen and Ryan Somerville.

The 2020 City of Dreams Pavilion jury has selected two winners in the 10th annual City of Dreams Pavilion Competition: The Pneuma by Ying Qi Chen and Ryan...

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Chapter News | 2/18/20
Soft Civic by Bryony Roberts Studio. Photo: Hadley Fruits.

On Friday, February 14, the AIANY New Practices Committee welcomed the New Practices New York 2020 competition jury to the Center for Architecture, where they announced...

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Chapter News | 2/12/20
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Editors Note: The Honors and Awards Luncheon is now taking place virtually on Tuesday, July 7, 2020. Please join us! AIA New York is preparing to celebrate the...

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Chapter News | 1/22/20
2020 City of Dreams Pavilion Finalist: Ecosphere by Murr Architekten. Image: Murr Architecken.

FIGMENT, the AIANY Emerging New York Architects Committee (ENYA), and SEAoNY are excited to announce five finalists for the 2020 City of Dreams Pavilion Design...

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Chapter News | 1/22/20
AIA Fellowship pins

Do you know an AIA architect who has made significant and measurable achievements in design, preservation, education, literature, or service? Election to fellowship...

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Chapter News | 1/22/20
Best in Competition: Glenstone by Thomas Phifer and Partners and PWP Landscape Architecture, in Potomac, MD. Photo: Iwan Baan/Thomas Phifer and Partners.

On the evening of Monday, January 13, 2020, nearly 200 architects and allied professionals gathered at the Center for Architecture to discover the winners of the 2020...

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Civic Leadership Program | 1/8/20
Photo: Center for Architecture.

The final AIANY Civic Leadership Program (CLP) event for 2019, Agency: An Architect’s Tools for Civic Engagement, was held on December 3 at the Center for Architecture...

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Chapter News | 1/7/20

The AIANY Housing Committee is seeking applications for a new co-chair with the planned departure of the current co-chair by the end of Q1 2020. The AIANY Housing...

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Chapter News | 12/17/19
Incoming AIANY President Kim Yao, AIA, accepts the gavel from Hayes Slade, AIA, 2019 AIANY President. Photo: Samuel Lahoz.

On Tuesday, December 10, 2019, AIA New York welcomed its 2020 Board of Directors at the Board Inaugural. Incoming 2020 President Kim Yao, AIA, discussed her presidential...

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Chapter News | 12/4/19
Group Project's winning design for the BetterBin competition. Image courtesy of DSNY.

AIA New York, in partnership with the NYC Department of Sanitation (DSNY), the Van Alen Institute, and the Industrial Designers Society of America, is proud to announce...

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Chapter News | 12/3/19
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The AIANY Emerging New York Architects Committee (ENYA) is seeking applications for a new co-chair with the planned departure of their current co-chair by the end of the...

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Chapter News | 11/13/19

The AIANY Social Science and Architecture Committee is seeking applications for a new co-chair with the planned departure of the current co-chair at the end of...

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Civic Leadership Program | 11/12/19
On October 30, the AIANY Civic Leadership Program convened a panel exploring how barriers shape the public realm. Image credit: AIA New York.

New York City is investing billions of dollars to defend against emergent threats—protecting shorelines from sea level rise and intensifying storms and hardening...

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Chapter News | 11/12/19
Kavitha Mathew, AIA, LEED AP, Director of Leadership and Engagement Initiatives at AIANY, accepted the award on behalf of AIANY, COOKFOX, and all the partners and donors who worked on the Day of Service project for AFC. Image courtesy of Ali Forney Center.

On October 25, AIA New York and COOKFOX were honored at “A Place at the Table,” the Ali Forney Center’s (AFC) gala at Cipriani Wall Street, in recognition of...

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Civic Leadership Program | 10/30/19
The Civic Leadership Program's fifth development session, In Practice: Architecture through Participatory Design. Image credit: Center for Architecture.

When involved with complex public projects, and particularly when balancing multiple stakeholders, architects can find value in increased user-input throughout the...

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Civic Leadership Program | 10/2/19
The cohort then took a ferry to Brooklyn Army Terminal to discuss all aspects of waterfront equity, reconvening to expand the dialogue with invited speakers in one of the SMIA neighborhoods, Sunset Park. Image credit: Center for Architecture.

Architects are giving increased attention to the important concept of social equity as they work to define their role as stewards of public welfare—and authors of...

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Chapter News | 10/2/19

The AIANY Diversity and Inclusion Committee and the AIANY Interior Committee are seeking applications for new co-chairs with the planned departure of their current...

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