May 25, 2011
by: admin
05.12.11 – 05.14.11: The 2011 AIA National Convention was held in New Orleans.

AIA Host Party at the National World War II Museum by NY-based Voorsanger Architects with New Orleans-based Mathes Brierre.

Jessica Sheridan, Assoc. AIA, LEED AP

(L-R): Cynthia Kracauer, AIA, LEED AP, AIANY Managing Director; Debra S. Kunce, FAIA, 2012-13 AIA Vice President; Margaret O’Donoghue Castillo, AIA, LEED AP, 2011 AIANY President.

Jessica Sheridan, Assoc. AIA, LEED AP

(L-R): Venesa Alicea, AIA, LEED AP; Misael Rojas, Assoc. AIA; and Nicolette Feldser, Assoc. AIA, LEED AP, masquerade at the Host Party.

Jessica Sheridan, Assoc. AIA, LEED AP

Harry Gaveras, AIA, with the USO girls at the Host Chapter Party.

Jessica Sheridan, Assoc. AIA, LEED AP

Ernest W. Hutton, Jr., Assoc. AIA, FAICP, received the 2011 Associate Award in recognition of his service to the Chapter, and OCULUS Editor Kristen Richards, Hon. AIA, Hon. ASLA, was named an AIA Honorary Member.

Rick Bell, FAIA

Former AIANY Chapter President Susan Chin, FAIA (left) “pins” OCULUS Editor Kristen Richards, Hon. AIA, Hon. ASLA, with the token of her Honorary Membership as Rick Bell, FAIA, looks on.

Courtesy AIA.

OCULUS Publisher Tom Schell with Editor-in-Chief Kristen Richards, Hon. AIA, Hon. ASLA.

Michael J. Crosbie, AIA

AIA New York State Party, (L-R): Joe Aliotta, AIA, LEED AP, 2011 AIANY Vice President; Megan Chusid, Assoc. AIA, AIANY Director of Educational Affairs; AIANY ENYA Co-chair Brynnemarie Lanciotti, Assoc. AIA.

Jessica Sheridan, Assoc. AIA, LEED AP

NY-based emerging professionals gathered to discuss the future of the profession (L-R): Serena Chen; Nicolette Feldser, Assoc. AIA, LEED AP, National Associates Committee (NAC) Associate Director; Venesa Alicea, AIA, LEED AP, NAC Regional Associate Director for NY & Co-chair, AIANY Emerging New York Architects Committee (ENYA); Misael Rojas, Assoc. AIA; Brynnemarie Lanciotti, Assoc. AIA, Co-chair, ENYA; Mark Behm, Assoc. AIA, LEED AP, AIANY Associate Director & Co-chair, AIANY Professional Practice Committee; Megan Chusid, Assoc. AIA, AIANY Director of Educational Affairs; Jessica Sheridan, Assoc. AIA, LEED AP.

Jessica Sheridan, Assoc. AIA, LEED AP

(L) Architect Barbies; (R) Kelly Hayes McAlonie, AIA, LEED AP, President-Elect, AIA New York State, talks to future emerging professionals about being an architect at the Architect Barbie booth at the AIA Expo.

Jessica Sheridan, Assoc. AIA, LEED AP

Architectural Record threw a grand fete to welcome newly-named Editor-in-Chief Cathleen McGuigan (far right), greeted warmly by Architectural Record Publisher Laura Viscusi (left), and Audrey Matlock, FAIA (center).

Kirsten Richards

Photos from New Orleans

The Make It Right Foundation has completed nearly 50 houses in New Orleans’ Lower 9th Ward neighborhood, including houses by Atelier Hitoshi Abe (left) and Eskew+Dumez+Ripple (right).

Lisa Delgado

Houses by Graft (left) and Morphosis (right).

Lisa Delgado

05.12.11: The New Amsterdam Plein & Pavilion opened on Peter Minuit Plaza, The Battery.

(L-R): Dutch Counselor for Cultural Affairs USA Ferdinand Dorsman; Consul General Gajus Scheltema; UN Studio Senior Architect Wouter de Jonge; UN Studio’s founder Ben van Berkel; and Dutch Director for Visual Arts, Architecture & Design Robert Kloos.

Richard Koek (

(L-R): Battery Conservancy President Warrie Price; Metropolitan Transportation Authority Capital Construction President Michael Horodniceanu; Department of Transportation Commissioner Janette Sadik-Khan; Parks & Recreation Commissioner Adrian Benepe; Dutch Ambassador for International Cultural Cooperation of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Margriet Leemhuis; State Senator Daniel Squadron; City Council Member Margaret Chin; Community Board 1 Chair Julie Menin.

Richard Koek (

05.14.11: Fit Nation New Orleans brought together city officials, health professionals, and designers from around the country and the globe.

David Burney, FAIA, Commissioner, NYC Department of Design + Construction (left), and Richard Jackson, MD, MPH, University of California Los Angeles, Professor and Chair, Environmental Health Sciences.

Randi Rosenblum

05.17.2011: Fit City 6 filled the Center for Architecture.

The morning Commissioners’ Panel brought together (L-R) Deputy Commissioner Andrew Goodman, MD, MPH, Health Promotion & Disease Prevention, NYC Department of Health & Mental Hygiene; Commissioner Adrian Benepe, NYC Department of Parks & Recreation; Commissioner David Burney, FAIA, NYC Department of Design + Construction; Wendy Feuer, Assistant Commissioner for Art and Urban Design, NYC Department of Transportation; Commissioner Amanda Burden, FAICP, NYC City Planning Department; and Moderator Rick Bell, FAIA, Executive Director, AIA New York.

Randi Rosenblum

Attendees participated in a fitness break.

Randi Rosenblum

05.07.11: The Center for Architecture hosted a symposium on 21st Century Indian Cities.

Margaret O’Donoghue Castillo, AIA, LEED AP, 2011 AIANY President, with Indian architect Christopher Benninger, Assoc. AIA.

Emily Nemens

05.16.11: The Center for Architecture hosted a workshop by Danish artist Rosan Bosch and the opening of the “jumpZONE” exhibition.

Rosan Bosch.

Emily Nemens

Rick Bell, FAIA, with exhibition organizers (l-r) Sarah Gluck, Robyne Kassen, Assoc. AIA, Tucker Viemeister, Laetitia Wolff, and Shonquis Moreno.

Emily Nemens

05.18.11: AIANY co-organized a conference at the UN on sustainable urbanization, focusing on the South-North Initiative.

(L-R) Yamina Djacta, Deputy Director UN-Habitat New York Office; Margaret O’Donoghue Castillo, AIA, LEED AP, 2011 AIANY President; H.E. Ron Sims, Deputy Secretary, U.S. Department of Housing & Urban Development; and Aliye Celik, Ph.D., Co-Chair Consortium for Sustainable Urbanization.

Jay Bond

05.19.2011: Teddy Cruz kicked of a series of Presidential Lectures around the theme of “Design for a Change.”

Cristiana Fragola, Deputy Director of Strategic Initiatives, NYCHA; Ron Shiffman, FAICP, Professor, Pratt Graduate Center for Planning and the Environment; Teddy Cruz, Professor, University of California, San Diego; Margaret O’Donoghue Castillo, AIA, LEED AP, 2011 AIANY President; and William Morrish, Dean, Parsons School of Constructed Environments.

Emily Nemens


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