03.25.11: As part of the Jugaad Urbanism Film Series, “Bombay Summer” was screened at the Center for Architecture.
“Bombay Summer” director Joseph Mathew.
Caley Monahon-Ward
(L-R): Rosamond Fletcher, Director of Exhibitions, Center for Architecture; Rick Bell, FAIA, Executive Director, Center for Architecture; Yumi Ito, Assistant Manager, Business Solutions Group, Hitachi; and Jen Apple, Development Manager, CFA.
Emily Nemens, Center for Architecture
03.31.11: As part of the Jugaad Urbanism program, speakers of “Contemporary Design Typologies in India: Housing, Airports and Mixed Use Developments” presented projects from the perspective of foreign firms and their interaction with local clients, contractors, and regulatory authorities.
Purnima Kapur, Director of the Brooklyn Office, NYC Department of City Planning, introduced the program.
Emily Nemens, Center for Architecture
(L-R): Rick Bell, FAIA, Mary Burke, AIA, and Laura Marlow, Program Director, Innovation & Business Development, Reed Construction Data.
Emily Nemens, Center for Architecture
03.30.11: Speakers at the “Energy Code and Lighting” presentation at the Center for Architecture discussed what conformance means in a practical sense.
(L-R): Jack Bailey, Partner, One Lux Studio; Patricia Di Maggio, LC, LEED AP, MIES Specifications Engineer for Osram Sylvania; and Deborah F. Taylor, AIA, LEED AP.
Caley Monahon-Ward
03.30.11: To mark the paperback release of Why Architecture Matters (Yale University Press), New Yorker Architecture Critic and Author Paul Goldberger, Hon. AIA, conversed with Oculus and ArchNewsNow.com Editor Kristen Richards, Hon. AIA, Hon. ASLA, at the Lower East Side Tenement Museum.
Debra Pickrel
03.25.11: A ceremony was held to commemorate the 100th Anniversary of the Triangle Shirtwaist Factory Fire.
Black and purple drapes were placed on the eighth floor windows where the fire originated in the building, located near Washington Square.
Frank Ritter, Ritterphoto.com
A ceremony was held at the Eldridge Street Synagogue, where 146 men and women wore black veils in honor of those who died in the fire.
Frank Ritter, Ritterphoto.com