December 22, 2009
by: Jessica Sheridan Assoc. AIA LEED AP
12.08.09: AIANY celebrated its 2010 inaugural.


(L-R): Tony Schirripa, AIA, IIDA, 2010 AIANY President; George Miller, FAIA, 2010 AIA President; and Sherida Paulsen, FAIA, 2009 AIANY President.

Sam Lahoz


(L-R): Rick Bell, FAIA, AIANY Executive Director; Edward Farrell, AIANYS Executive Director; Tony Schirippa, AIA, IIDA, 2010 AIANY President; Sherida Paulsen, FAIA, 2009 AIANY President; George Miller, FAIA, 2010 AIA President; Richard Anderson, President, New York Building Congress.

Sam Lahoz


(L-R): Sherida Paulsen, FAIA, 2009 AIANY President; George Miller, FAIA, 2010 AIA President; Christina Davis, President, Landmarks Preservation Foundation; Mark Ginsberg, FAIA, former AIANY President; Terrence O’Neal, FAIA, former AIANYS President.

Sam Lahoz


AIANY Executive Director Rick Bell, FAIA (left), with Jeff Potter, FAIA, member of the AIA National Board of Directors from Texas.

Sam Lahoz

12.10.09: The AIA Queens Holiday Party was held at the Poppenhusen Institute in College Point.

Heim Bell

Laura Heim, AIA, president of AIA Queens, and Rick Bell, FAIA.

AIA Queens

12.09.09: The groundbreaking ceremony was held for Lakeside, the Prospect Park Alliance’s new initiative to renovate 26 acres in the park’s southeast quadrant. The project involves relocating and replacing the aging Wollman Rink with the Lakeside Center, a year-round destination for recreation and fitness designed by Tod Williams Billie Tsien Architects.


(L-R): John Bernstein, President, Leon Levy Foundation; Brad Lander, NYC Council Member-Elect; Christian Zimmerman, Vice President of Design and Construction, Prospect Park Alliance; Adrian Benepe, Commissioner, NYC Department of Parks & Recreation; Shelby White, Founding Trustee, Leon Levy Foundation; Billie Tsien, AIA, Tod Williams Billie Tsien Architects; Tupper Thomas, President, Prospect Park Alliance. Rear (R-L): Henry Christensen III, Chair Campaign for Lakeside; and Albert Garner, Chairman of the Board, Prospect Park Alliance.

Prospect Park Alliance


The Architectural League of New York celebrated the opening of its new offices on 12.16.09. (L-R): Rosalie Genevro, Varick Shute, Nick Anderson, Reid Bingham, Anne Rieselbach, Cassim Shepard, Sarah Snider, Gregory Wessner (sitting).

Kristen Richards


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