by: Murrye Bernard Assoc. AIA LEED AP
2009 Oculus Editorial Calendar
If you are an architect by training or see yourself as an astute observer of New York’s architectural and planning scene, note that OCULUS editors want to hear from you! Projects/topics may be anywhere, but architects must be New York-based. The themes:
Winter Issue: Health & Architecture. Architecture designed to promote fitness, health, and wellness will be profiled. Projects selected from within this growing field will demonstrate sensitivity to generational and demographic issues, sustainability, and technology.
08.01.09: Suggestion Deadline
If you have suggestions, please contact OCULUS editor-in-chief Kristen Richards.
06.25.09 Request for Proposals: Dudley Square Municipal Office Facility
07.01.09 Call for Presentations: AIA 2010 Convention
07.15.09 Call for Entries: The Chain of Eco-Homes
07.31.09 Call for Entries: 2009 AIANYS Honor Awards – pdf
08.01.09 Call for Papers: Nexus 2010: Relationships Between Architecture and Mathematics Conference
09.01.09 Call for Submissions: 2009 Upjohn Research Initiative
09.15.09 Call for Entries: Brickstainable: Re-thinking Brick
09.28.09 Call for Entries: The Self Sufficient City: Envisioning the Habitat of the Future