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Building Design + Construction magazine’s Reconstruction Bronze Award winners include The Juilliard School by Diller Scofidio + Renfro with FXFOWLE, and the B. Thomas Golisano Hope Lodge, Hospitality House by Bergmann Associates…
Five teams have advanced to the final phase of the selection process for the redesign of Chicago’s Navy Pier public spaces, including: AECOM (with BIG, Lead Pencil Studio, Project Projects, Speirs + Major, WET Design, Davis Langdon, Christy Webber, Tivoli International, and Eden Project); Aedas Architects (with Martha Schwartz Partners, Halcrow Yolles, Solomon Cordwell Buenz, Marshall Brown Projects, Pentagram, Fisher Marantz Stone, Suzanne Randolph Fine Arts, Davis Brody Bond, Atelier Dreiseitl GMBH, Dan Euser, Ned Kahn Studios, Hoerr Schaudt, Action Sport Development, Marks Barfield Architects, Lou Raizin, and Gregory Hummel); James Corner Field Operations (with Terry Guen Design Associates, nARCHITECTS, Bruce Mau Design, Leo Villareal, L’Observatoire International, Ed Marszewski, Fluidity Design Consultants, Patrick Blanc, John Greenlee & Associates, Chris Wangro, Billings Jackson, Buro Happold, Primera, HR&A Advisors, and ETM Associates); and !melk (with HOK, UrbanLab, Terry Guen Design Associates, Thirst, Zoe Ryan, Conservation Design Forum, HR&A Advisors, Magnusson Klemencic Associates, Sam Schwartz Engineering, Leni Schwendinger LIGHT projects, CMS Fountain Consultants, and Karin Bacon Enterprises)…
ACE Mentor Program of America is one of eight recipients of the 2010 Presidential Award for Excellence in Science, Mathematics and Engineering Mentoring… Winners of the 2011 Middle East Architect Awards include FXFOWLE, as Boutique Architecture Firm of the Year…
The Boston Society of Architects announced that Renée Loth will take over as the editor of Architecture Boston, starting officially in January 2012. The magazine’s founding editor, Elizabeth Padjen, FAIA, has stepped down after 14 years in the position…
Ada Tolla, Intl. Assoc. AIA, Giuseppe Lignano, Intl. Assoc. AIA, and Mabel O. Wilson are among the United States Artists’ 2011 USA Fellows in the Architecture & Design category…
Walters-Storyk Design Group named three new partners, Nancy Flannery, Romina Larregina, and Joshua Morris, Assoc. AIA… Stephan Dallendoerfer, RIBA, SAR, LEED AP, was promoted to Associate Principal at FXFOWLE…