- What do you personally do to promote diversity and equity in the architecture profession?
- What can be done collectively towards this goal, within our industry and beyond?
Guy Geier, FAIA
An architect and interior designer with 38 years of experience in the design and management of corporate and institutional projects, Guy is the Managing Partner of FXFOWLE Architects as well as having responsibility for the firm’s Corporate and Interior Design practice.
Jack Travis, FAIA, NOMAC
Jack Travis’ career of 25 years has evolved a triumvirate approach of educating students, practioners and citizens nationally and internationally to the legacy of Blacks in Architecture and the defining of a Black design aesthetic.
Sharon Sutton, FAIA
Dr. Sharon Egretta Sutton, FAIA is an activist educator and public scholar who promotes inclusivity in the cultural makeup of the city-making professions and in the populations they serve, and also advocates for participatory planning and design processes in disenfranchised communities.
Beverly Willis, FAIA
Beverly Willis, FAIA, is an artist, architect, author and philanthropist. After 50 years of practice, she founded the Beverly Willis Architecture Foundation in 2002. She served as President of the California Council of American Institute of Architects. Beverly was a founding trustee of the National Building Museum in Washington, D.C., a position she still holds.