Featured News
In this issue: · Pro Bono Design to Improve Valentino Park · Bronx Center Heals Patients with Light and Open Air · The Kalahari Will Entertain in...
The New York Times reported on Sunday that global carbon dioxide emissions took a turn for worse during 2010, rising 5.9% -- the largest jump on record (See "Carbon...
Building Design + Construction magazine's Reconstruction Bronze Award winners include The Juilliard School by Diller Scofidio + Renfro with FXFOWLE, and the B. Thomas...
12.15.11 Call for Entries: ArchNewsNow / MOO Competition: If you could hand your business card to one person in the world, who would it be? 12.16.11 Request for...
12.08.11 AIANY Executive Director Rick Bell, FAIA, takes the podium at the Urban Umbrella prototype unveiling press conference. From l to r: Mayor Bloomberg;...
The New York Observer featured an article on how AIANY has affected change in NYC. Click here to read "Big Architecture: AIA New York Has Shaped the City, But Can it...
11.23.11 Happy Thanksgiving! While the year may be coming to a close, the Center for Architecture is gearing up for a busy December. Save the date for the 2012 AIANY...
In this issue: · B2 Modulates Atlantic Yards · Brooklyn Navy Yard Expands its Illustrious History · Center for Mathematics Advances Brown...
At this year's Deans Roundtable, Rice University's Sarah Whiting, Assoc. AIA, posed the question: "How do we make architecture relevant again?" She posited that it is...
The winners of the 19th Annual NYC Canstruction competition, co-sponsored by the Society for Design Administration and AIANY, are (for images, see Sighted): "Loaded...
12.05.11 Call for Entries: 13th Annual Residential Architect Design Awards 01.03.12 Call for Applications: Loeb Fellowship -- Harvard Graduate School of...
11.15.11: The "Zoning the City" conference sponsored by the NYC Department of City Planning, Harvard University Graduate School of Design, and The Steven L. Newman Real...
The Urban Assembly School of Design and Construction has put together a video featuring the annual Iron Designer Challenge. Click here to listen to students, architects,...
11.11.11 This issue celebrates Heritage Ball honorees Gary Barnett, Leslie Koch, and Janette Sadik-Khan. Enjoy! Also, OCULUS is still looking for NYC-based single...
Event: NOMA 2011 Atlanta: Architects as Visionaries Location: Atlanta, GA, 10.20-22.11 Speakers: For a full list of speakers and events, click here. (L-R):...
In this issue: · High Line, Hudson Yards Complete a Vision for Western NYC · John Jay College Educates for Justice, Builds for the Future ·...
As Occupy Wall Street (OWS) persists into the growing colder nights, I have been wondering when architects would become more involved with efforts to shelter protestors....
The Trust for the National Mall announced finalists for the first stage of the National Mall Design Competition to restore three areas on the mall. Finalists will be...
Call for Projects & Ideas for Oculus Spring 2012: Small is Big: Can small firms act big? A whopping 59% of AIANY members are single practitioners or small...
10.27.11: The annual Heritage Ball was held at Pier Sixty at Chelsea Piers, followed by the official after-party at the Center for Architecture,...