Featured News
Event: New Practices London and New York: Milieus and Methods Location: Häfele Americas Showroom, 08.22.07 Speakers: Tom Emerson & Stephanie Macdonald --...
Event: arch schools: r(each)ing out Location: Center for Architecture, through 10.19.07 Exhibition Designer: Leah Gazit Participating Schools: The City College of New...
In this issue: ·Two Years Later: AIA National Still Contributes to Katrina Relief ·Thinking Outside the IDP Box ·OHNY Opens Doors This...
Event: Tour of New York Rises: Photographs by Eugene de Salignac Location: Museum of the City of New York (MCNY), 08.15.07 Organizers: AIANY Member Services Committee;...
In this issue: ·Timeline Preserves American Women of Architecture ·Foundation Teaches Teachers How to Look at Architecture ·Passing: David Mandl,...
The AIANY Chapter wants to extend a heartfelt "Thank you" to all who renewed membership this year. The chapter's growth and long-term health is in your hands and we...
Courtesy Center for Architecture Hoping for creative independence, new practices often face a dilemma. They want to reinvent the wheel too quickly when they...
In this issue: ·Ready About? Architect's Regatta Heartily Returns ·Buildings Department Cracks Down on Illegal Ads... Again ·Counties Go Carbon...
The world of social networking is expanding as the Center for Architecture now has a Facebook group. Find out about recent news and exhibition openings, post event...
Event: New Practices New York Showcase Series Location: Häfele Showroom Speakers: Winners of the 2006 New Practices New York competition Organizer: AIANY New...
Event: Super-Models, MEGA_100+, Large-Scale Firms Revised Location: Center for Architecture, 07.11.07 Speakers: Aaron Schwarz, FAIA -- Principal, Perkins Eastman;...
In this issue: ·WIA Returns to Promote Women's Leadership ·Property Portfolios Made Easy With New Toolkit WIA Returns to Promote Women's Leadership By...
Event: ENYA Networks | Guggenheim Young Collectors Council Location: Center for Architecture, 06.27.07 Speakers: Min Jung Kim -- Director of Strategic Development, Asia;...
Event: Biomimicry for a Sustainable Built Environment Location: Cooper Union's Wollman Auditorium, 06.26.07 Speakers: Dayna Baumeister, PhD -- Co-Founder, Biomimicry...
In this issue: ·Sign Up for AIANYS 2007 Convention Today ·AIANY Calls Architects to Support plaNYC ·Individual Jurisdictions to Set Timing for...
Event: Fit-City 2: Promoting Physical Activity Through Design Location: Center for Architecture, 06.12.07 Keynote: Dr. Craig Zimring -- environmental psychologist &...
Event: Brandism Series: Brand as Sustainability Location: Center for Architecture, 05.23.07 Speakers: Michael Buckley, FAIA -- Director, Columbia University Program in...
Event: AIA New York Chapter 2007 Design Awards Winners Symposium: Projects Location: Center for Architecture, 06.13.07 Speakers: Alexander Cooper, FAIA -- Cooper,...
In this issue: ·AIA Presidents Call for Global Response to Climate Change ·AIANY 2007 Grants Awards at Annual Meeting ·Southpoint Goes...
By Joan Blumenfeld, FAIA, IIDA, LEED AP, AIANY President Margaret Helfand, FAIA, celebrating her firm's exhibition design at the opening of The Fashion of...