September 30, 2008
by: Jessica Sheridan Assoc. AIA LEED AP

09.19.08: Park(ing) Day inserted mini parks onto spaces usually reserved for cars. This spot was located across the street from the Center for Architecture.

Jesse Lazar, Center for Architecture

09.18.08: Young at Art, a NYC arts education program formed by gallery owner Mary Boone with non-profits Publicolor and The Fund for Public Schools, kicked off its second phase with the painting and restoration of the entryway to M.S. 131 — the first of 30 public schools to be restored. Phase one introduced a new curriculum in the schools aimed at engaging students through art and to teach the relationship between color and the environment. Now, the second phase renovations will be inspired by student artwork created during phase one. In the photo: NYC Schools Chancellor Joel Klein paints with students from M.S. 131 and volunteers from Publicolor.

Mary Boone Gallery/Stuart Ramson


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