June 24, 2008
by: Murrye Bernard Assoc. AIA LEED AP

Oculus 2008 Editorial Calendar
If you are an architect by training or see yourself as an astute observer of New York’s architectural and planning scene, note that OCULUS editors are looking for writers for the Winter issue. The theme:

Competing for Space. Explore the growing competition between expansionist institutions on limited sites and the interests of adjacent communities, many in residential areas with moderate-income families.

If you’re interested, please contact OCULUS editor-in-chief Kristen Richards. with a brief outline and full contact information.

08.01.08 Winter 2008-09: Competing for Space

07.01.08 Call for Submissions: AIA COTE Whitepapers
The Committee on the Environment (COTE) seeks Whitepaper submissions from architectural educators, practitioners, and colleagues from allied professions. Authors are invited to submit 200-600-word abstracts and selected authors will receive $1,000. If commissioned, authors will have three months to produce papers that will be published on the COTE website and Soloso. They will also be featured as the lead story in an issue of COTEnotes, which goes out to 9,000 AIA COTE members. COTE will accept submissions year-round and will review the submissions on a quarterly basis.

07.15.08 Call for Entries: IDP Outstanding Firm Award
This program honors firms who make it a priority to nurture interns on the path to licensure. Expanded in January 2008, the award recognizes firms employing interns that meet 12 essential criteria with the “IDP Firm Award,” including mentoring, supervising, training opportunities, commitment to IDP, and ARE support.

07.23.08 Call for Entries: Skuuma Soft Surface Design Competition 2008
SKUUMA invites designers to create home or office products with foam (polyurethane) and special coating as a component. Five winners’ designs will be
added to the SKUUMA collection and the designers will receive royalties.

07.31.08 Call for Entries: Lifecycle Building Challenge 2
Organized by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, the AIA, and the Building Materials Reuse Association, this national competition is intended to spur innovations on front-end design for adaptability and disassembly, to conserve resources, and promote local building materials reuse. The competition categories are Building (Built and Unbuilt) and Innovations. This year, special recognition awards will also be given in the following categories: Best Greenhouse Gas Reducing Design, Best School Design (K-13), and Best Residential Design.

08.01.08 Call for Entries: Spark Awards
Designers from all levels and skill-sets are welcome to enter this two-phased competition. Graphics, product, transportation, and architecture are a few of the many design categories. Expert and independent judges from design and related fields evaluate submitted designs.


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