by: Emily Nemens
Event: Discussion of urbanSHED jury selections, 10.07.09
Location: NYCTV studios, 10.13.09
Speakers: Robert D. LiMandri — Commissioner, NYC Department of Buildings; Amanda M. Burden, FAICP, Hon. AIA — Chair, NYC Department of City Planning; Janette Sadik-Khan, Hon. AIANY — Commissioner, NYC Department of Transportation; moderated by Susanna Sirefman — Competition Advisor
Producer: New York City Department of Buildings
Organizers: New York City Buildings Department; American Institute of Architects New York Chapter; with Alliance for Downtown New York; New York Building Congress; Illuminating Engineering Society New York Chapter; Association for a Better New York Foundation. Additional support from the Structural Engineers Association of New York; the Municipal Art Society; NYC Department of Planning; NYC Department of Transportation.
Jurors/ New York City commissioners Robert LImandri, Amanda Burden, and Janette Sadik-Kahn discuss the three finalist designs — Urban Cloud, Urban Umbrella, and Tripod(MOD)ule.
Related Links:
“Around the AIA,” by Emily Nemens, e-Oculus, 12.08.09.