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Joseph Aliotta, AIA, LEED AP, speaks to a full house about the state of the Chapter.
Sam Lahoz
Event: AIA New York Chapter 145th Annual Meeting
Location: Center for Architecture, 06.13.12
Organizer: AIANY
It has been almost nine years since we opened the Center of Architecture. In that time, the Center has become an internationally-recognized resource for architecture and design. This year we expanded, “breaking through” into 532 LaGuardia Place. The Chapter has also grown, more than physically, to be a respected voice in the local, national, and international discourse on design.
President’s Theme
Each year, the AIA New York president identifies a theme that expands the goals of the Chapter and the Center for Architecture.
The 2012 theme – Future Now! – focuses on the concerns for the future that we all share: that the profession, the city, and the world be transformed for the better by our members’ activities, advocacy, and projects. As part of my theme, the Center is highlighting the competition and exhibition, “New Practices New York 2012” by the New Practices Committee (currently on view), and the Biennial Ideas Competition and exhibition, “The Harlem Edge: Cultivating Connections” by the Emerging New York Architects Committee (ENYA).
ENYA’s The Harlem Edge: Cultivating Connections competition gave emerging professionals the opportunity to consider the possibilities for a multi-modal transit hub and a food and nutrition educational facility at the waterfront. The competition will be exhibited beginning 07.12.12.
In addition, ENYA, in partnership with several other Chapter committees, is organizing a Future Now Summit on 09.22.12. The goal of this conference is to empower young professionals to better the future of the profession and the city.
Professional Development
The Chapter is committed to promoting professional development and mentorship, which has been the focus of this year’s presidential theme. We have already made a big impact on the architectural community through ongoing programs such as the Architects’ Fast Track Leadership series (AFTL) providing professional practice education to young professionals and mid-career architects. ENYA continues the highly successful Speed Mentoring program, which is drawing together young practitioners with Fellows and senior members of the profession. REVIT training, LEED Exam Preparation, and ARE prep courses are offered regularly. This year, we hosted a Practice in the Middle East Breakfast inspired by our current exhibit, “Change,” and coordinated jointly by our Global Dialogues and Professional Practice Committees.
The Chapter continues to actively engage government leaders while also providing expert testimony on issues of importance to the profession at the New York City Council, City Planning Commission, Department of Buildings, the Lobbying Commission, and the Landmarks Preservation Commission, as well as at state agencies, public authorities, and directly to elected officials. Recent topics include:
• NYU Core Project
• Zone Green Text Amendment
• Sustainable design policies for federal buildings
• Federal Transportation Reauthorization legislation
• Protecting the profession from rules designed to require architects to register as lobbyists
• Recommendations on how the city can meet the housing needs of older New Yorkers
• Working with the Department of Buildings to improve rules for minimum drawing standards
We are also committed to advocating for the future of the built environment and enabling the unique vision of the architect to shape the city at all levels of the process.