Headshot of Sarah Drake
Sarah Drake, AIA; President, AIA Brooklyn. Photo: Courtesy of Sarah Drake.
Sara Jazayeri, AIA; President, AIA Bronx. Photo: Courtesy of Sara Jazayeri.
Sara Jazayeri, AIA; President, AIA Bronx. Photo: Courtesy of Sara Jazayeri.
Headshot of Stanley Krebushevski
Stanley Krebushevski, AIA; President, AIA Staten Island. Photo: Courtesy of Stanley Krebushevsk.
Greg Switzer headshot
Gregory T. Switzer, AIA; President, AIA New York. Photo: Courtesy of Gregory Switzer.
Headshot of Jacqueline Velez.
Jacqueline Velez, AIA; President, AIA Queens. Photo: Courtesy of Jacqueline Velez.

It is with great enthusiasm and a profound sense of unity that we come together to address you, our esteemed colleagues, on a matter close to our hearts: the notion of belonging within our local AIA chapters. As architects, designers, and allied professionals, we share a common thread that binds us—a commitment to excellence, innovation, and the betterment of our communities through the built environment.

Over the past year and a half, the presidents of AIA Queens, AIA Bronx, AIA Staten Island, AIA Brooklyn, and AIA New York have embarked on a journey of collaboration and camaraderie. In our regular meetings, we have deliberated tirelessly on how we can transcend the boundaries of our boroughs and join together as a unified force—a force capable of catalyzing positive change and fostering a stronger sense of community within the AIA family.

In these discussions, one resounding truth has emerged: the imperative of enhancing membership engagement and experiences through cross-chapter communication and programming. With a collective membership of nearly 7,000 individuals, we recognize the immense potential we possess to effect meaningful change and shape the future of our profession in New York City.

Our commitment is unwavering. We pledge to work tirelessly to support and uplift one another, to champion sustainability in architecture, to nurture the growth of emerging professionals, and to forge interborough collaborations that transcend geographic and historic divides. Together, we aspire to empower each and every member of our community to reach unprecedented heights of success and fulfillment in their endeavors.

We have deliberated tirelessly on how we can transcend the boundaries of our boroughs and join together as a unified force—a force capable of catalyzing positive change and fostering a stronger sense of community within the AIA family.

Moreover, we remain acutely aware of the diverse tapestry of practices that comprise the fabric of our local membership. We stand united in our resolve to tailor our collaborative efforts and perspectives to cater to this diversity, while simultaneously celebrating the unique identities that define us as individual chapters.

Today, we extend an earnest invitation to each and every one of you to join us in this objective. Let us connect, share, and support one another as we embark on this collective journey towards a more cohesive and supportive AIA presence here in New York City. Together, we are one AIA—one family bound by a common purpose and a shared vision.

In closing, let us remember the words of Helen Keller, who famously said, “Alone, we can do so little; together, we can do so much.” Let us heed these words as we unite our strengths, talents, and passions in pursuit of a brighter, more inclusive future for the NYC AIA community.


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