by: Camila Schaulson Frenz
2014 OCULUS Editorial Calendar!
The Oculus 2014 Editorial Calendar has been set. If you are an architect by training, or see yourself as an astute observer of New York’s architectural and planning scene, Oculus wants to hear from you! Projects/topics may be anywhere, but architects must be New York-based. Please submit story ideas by the deadlines indicated below to Kristen Richards, Hon. AIA, Hon. ASLA:
Fall 2014
Submit story ideas by April 30, 2014
Winter 2014
Emerging Skyline / Evolving Street
Submit story ideas by July 14, 2014
02.20.14: Call for Recommendations: AIANY College of Fellows
02.21.14: Call for Entries: Azure Magazine’s AZ Awards 2014
02.21.14: Call for Entries: Toronto Urban Land Institute (ULI) Urban Ideas Competition – Reconnect the City of Toronto with its Waterfront
02.24.14: Call for Entries: Louisville Metro Government Lots of Possibility Competition
02.28.14: Call for Recommendations: AIANY Nominating Committee
02.28.14: Call for Submissions: World Architecture News’ Education Award 2014
03.01.14: Call for Entries: “New York City Now” – FIGMENT 2014 Minigolf Course on Governors Island
03.03.14: Call for Proposals: Boston Society of Architects’ ArchitectureBoston Expo
03.03.14: Call for Entries: Society for Marketing Professional Services’s 37th Annual Marketing Communications Awards
03.03.14: Call for Registration: International VELUX Award 2014 for Students of Architecture – “Light of Tomorrow”
03.03.14: Call for Presentations: 7thh Making Cities Livable Conference: Healthy – Sustainable – Resilient – Cities, July 10-11, Kingscliff, Australia
03.07.14: Call for Registration: Save a Sample! 2014 Architects and Designers Sign-Up
03.07.14: Call for Entries: The Fire Industry Equipment Research Organization’s (F.I.E.R.O.) 2014 Fire Station Design Awards
03.08.14: Request for Qualifications: Center for Architecture 2014 Graphic Designer Shortlist
03.20.14: Call for Entries: Urban Green Council’s EBie Awards recognizing improvements in existing buildings
03.20.2014: Call for Entries: Core77 Design Award
03.21.14: Call for Entries: Boston Society of Architects and AIANY’s 2014 BSA Housing Design Awards
03.21.14: Call for Entries: AIA SPP Small Project Design Competition: The Pop-Up Project
03.26.14: Call for Entries: Montreal Villle UNESCO de Design’s Space for Life Architecture Competition
03.28.14: Call for Entries: Architecture Business Plan to foster dialogue on the importance of entrepreneurship
03.31.14: Call for Entries: International Interior Design Association New York Chapter’s Annual Student Design Awards Program
04.01.14: Call for Entries: Scientific Equipment & Furniture Association’s Student Design Competition
04.01.14: Call for Entries: 2014 Design & Health International Academy Awards
04.10.14: Call for Proposals: New York Transit Museum’s PLATFORM – Cross-disciplinary ideas about public transportation
04.11.14: Call for Entries: The Regional Municipality of York’s Make Rental Happen Student Design Challenge
04.25.14: Call for Walk Submissions: The Municipal Art Society’s 4th Annual Jane’s Walk NYC
04.30.14: Call for Entries: The Brick Industry Association’s 2014 Brick in Architecture Awards
04.30.14: Call for Submissions: MIT Thresholds 43: Scandalous seeks papers and projects that provoke the idea of scandal
05.02.14: Call for Entries: Rebirth of the Bath House, Liepaja Seaside Park in Latvia
06.06.14: Call for Entries: World Interiors News Annual Awards 2014