February 6, 2018
by: Kavitha Mathew
by: Kavitha Mathew
Would you or your firm like to inspire and support student interest in architecture and design? As part of AIA New York and Center for Architecture’s mission to provide opportunities for a diverse pipeline of students, we would like to create a database of architecture professionals who are able to provide time and/or resources in any of the following ways:
- Career Days: You are willing to participate in a career day event at a school or at the Center for Architecture to discuss the profession and how to pursue a career in architecture
- Office Visits: Your firm is able to host a school group visit
- Job Shadowing: You are open to having a student shadow you at work for a day/portion of a day
- Internship Opportunities: Your firm provides internship opportunities for high school or architecture school students
- Technology Sharing: Your firm is willing to provide occasional cutting/printing services to create Center for Architecture educational materials
- Design Reviews: You are interested in participating in design reviews held either at a school or at the Center for Architecture
- Family Days: You are interested in volunteering to assist with a Family Day event at the Center for Architecture
- Vacation & Summer Camps: You are interested in volunteering to assist with a vacation or summer camp program at the Center for Architecture (this typically requires a multi-day commitment)
Please take a few minutes to complete this survey and check the activities that are of interest to you. You will be notified of any upcoming opportunities related to your selections. If you have any questions, please contact Kavitha Mathew, Engagement & Leadership Coordinator, AIA New York, at kmathew@aiany.org.