To foster a stimulating design and professional practice exchange, AIA Women in Architecture Committees from both New York and New Orleans organized a full-day symposium of design presentations and discussions of professional practice strategies, centering the voices of women in architecture from New York and New Orleans as a means to develop and promote women leaders in architecture and the allied design and building industries, with goals and initiatives for the advancement of women in the architecture profession.

Architects from each city showcased projects in the context of the communities they work with, followed by an engaging series of discussions focused on Design Leadership, Workplace Culture, Professional Practice & Development, and Advocacy & Activism.

AIA New Orleans also hosted a half-day Women Built Central City Tour the next day, along the Oretha Castle Haley Boulevard, featuring the neighborhood history, projects, and spaces designed, built, developed and led by women.

You can access the Takeaways and Summary here.

You can access the event video here.