Real time electronic information boards are being tested on 15 bus lines throughout the city notifying riders when the next bus will be arriving. This one is on the M15 line on 2nd Avenue at 57th Street. Not much information about the initiative is available on the MTA’s website, but keep checking as more pop up around the city.
Jessica Sheridan
(l-r) Polshek Partnership’s James Polshek, FAIA, and Tomas Rossant, AIA, with Donald Newhouse ready to head to Syracuse University to tour Newhouse III.
Kristen Richards
08.23.07: Society for Marketing Professional Services (SMPS) Conference in Washington, DC
Amid columns and ferns, Michael Graves, FAIA, was animated and humorous during his keynote speech at “Build Business: Politics at Work;” Butler Rogers Baskett Architects was the only NYC firm to win 2007 Marketing Communications Award — in the category of Holiday Piece.
Kristen Richards
SMPS Conference: Wayfinding — D.C.-style (will it be donkeys if Democrats win?).
Kristen Richards