June 14, 2023Public Toilets – Where do they work and where do they not, and why?Image Courtesy of Urban Design Forum
On Friday, June 23, 2023, 8:30 AM in the hybrid Social Science and Architecture Committee meeting, Design for Aging committee was pleased to co-host a presentation titled “Public Toilets – Where do they work and where do they not, and why?” by Julie Chou, AIA.
Julie Chou, AIA co-authored a public bathroom report in 2019 with the Urban Design Forum and currently leads a public bathroom working group with several community boards working to advance the future of our public bathroom system. She presented her work related to advancing the NYC public bathroom system. Anyone interested can review this map (created by the working group) of NYC public bathrooms to help identify where a public bathroom would be helpful and why.
Design for Aging
The AIA New York Design for Aging Committee is dedicated to the needs of the aging population in an urban environment. We explore design issues, develop universal design recommendations, increase public awareness, and educate professionals in various fields, to create a more age-friendly city. We are committed to diversity in all issues, ensuring a profession capable of reaching into constituencies previously underserved and giving agency to issues of inclusion and representation. Please join us as we explore a wider range of options that promote diversity, and have a stronger influence on projects and programs in NYC and beyond.