Parke Rhoads, Principal of Vantage Technology Consulting Group led our committee meeting discussion on the topic of  “Technology, Futurism, and the Learning Experience in 2030”

The two articles (links below) synthesize both the broad over-arching (e.g. institution-wide) and “in-the-trenches” classroom (e.g. instructor and learner specific) perspectives for how our experience with technology during the pandemic may transform the design of the learning environment in the future. The two articles we shared in advance of our meeting and guided the discussion around the following themes:

  • The Disruption-Adaptation Model (React, Survive, Innovate): Case studies into stories from the frontlines of academic technology
  • Futurism: The themes and forces will factor into the next horizons, and how these factors may forecast the learning experience of 2030
  • Experience Design: What new tools and stakeholders are coming to the rescue, and how the professional designer could leverage these to lead the innovation

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