We are very excited to share with you all that the AIANY Women in Architecture Committee was awarded the 2019 Vice President Citation for Professional Development at the AIA New York 2020 Board Inaugural on December 10, held at the Center for Architecture.

The AIANY New York Chapter recognized the committee “for their wide array of programming in support of women and the fostering of more equitable practice environments for all.WIA’s programming and guidance for members is conducted with a consistently high level of energy, rigor and momentum. Meetings are efficiently organized and regularly held, allowing group members to depend on it’s networking and drawing in many new participants throughout the year. WIA’s work clearly increases contact among professionals, engages members who may not have ever participated in or attended an event, and supports newly licensed professionals and recent graduates embarking on their career journey.”

Thank you to everyone who attended and contributed to our meetings, workshops and lecture series. We look forward to seeing you at our upcoming events!