+LAB…..experimentation and inquiry underpin our work in the built environment. We actively embrace new and traditional technologies to enhance building practice and inform our design trajectories. We do not see a distinct separation between design, building, materials, society and culture.
Our work crosses a wide spectrum of uses and needs including architecture, public art installation, performance, interior design, exhibition design, furniture and industrial design, material testing and fabrication all fall within our interest and skill sets.
The +LAB is phase two of three planned studios. The first studio, the design collective worked on forming collaborative teams to hone the skills and attain contacts needed to be successful across the world. The +LAB builds on that success embracing the way designs can be realized, how we fabricate, with what material and how we deliver work around the world.
Firm Info
Location 925, Bergen Street, Brooklyn, Kings County, NY, United States
Email contact.pluslab@gmail.com
Website http://www.plusLABnyc.com
Social Media